As the old cliche goes "a picture is worth a thousand words" but THIS portrait is worth 1,001 (perhaps more, read on to see). While I absolutely adore the Brumley family (the subjects of this photograph) I invite you to focus your attention on the backdrop...the front door of their new home.
I met Kristle and Nathan a long time ago at church. We knew each other before Aaron (my husband) or I graduated college, pre-marriage, and pre-kids. We have watched each others' lives go forward, backward, sideways, and sometimes up-side-down, even if it has been from a distance through the years. I've coached these spunky, fun-loving, and creative kids on the soccer field and photographed them as they have grown. The thing I love most about the Brumley family is I know they are genuine, Jesus-loving, give-you-the-shirt-off-their-back friends!
Rewind to the end of 2019 when I was driving past their former house, one they had been renting with dreams of owning, and I noticed that it looked as if they (and all their belongings) had been taken up in the rapture. The tiny playhouse that sat by the driveway was gone, there were no bicycles or sporting goods sprinkled in the garage, and through the uncovered windows, you could see an empty house. Being nosey, I texted Kristle to make sure all was okay.
Kristle called and explained that no, they hadn't been raptured (yet), but that the owner of the house wanted to sell and his price was not within their budget, so they had to get out, and quick! She told me their convoluted living situation...a few days at her mom's house and a few days at Nathan's parents' home all while trying to home school her four kids! They were frantically looking for somewhere to live, and it broke my heart to hear the stress in her voice.
Now we all know that when someone in the south is going through something, we usually say "I'll be praying for you", and sadly, sometimes we don't follow through. It's just an empty promise or something people just say. I'm guilty of doing that as well, but something hit me when I spoke those same words to Kristle. It was almost as if the Lord plucked me out of my current life and plopped me into the Brumley's stressful, confusing, uncertain predicament. I almost immediately felt such heaviness in my spirit and compassion toward them. I honestly hadn't felt that before, and I knew it had to be the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart, showing me how to love them like HE loves them.
So I prodded more asking, "What area would you like to live in?" and "What sort of house are you looking for?" I asked because I believe in being specific in my prayer life. I never go to a restaurant and order "food", I always tell the server exactly what I want, down to the condiments and sometimes even how long to cook it, so why should we be any different in asking our Heavenly Father for anything?
Kristle started prattling off her wish list. She began with saying they preferred a brick home, she needed at least three bedrooms, and she desired a space to use for home schooling. I said, "Ok. What else?" Almost hesitantly she said, "With the kids' allergies, we really need some place that has hardwood floors, no carpets, and that has never had animals living inside. We would like to have a little bit of land with it." They wanted to be close to family, friends, and their home schooling co-op groups, and their kids' extracurricular activities. With every statement, she got more and more specific. At the end of her list, I remember her saying almost defeated, "I know that's a lot to ask for, especially since we're on a budget and looking to move immediately..." I reminded her that nothing is impossible with God, and pledged to look and pray for them.

After our conversation, I was determined to follow through with my promise to pray for the Brumleys. I found a quiet place and began to pray, out loud...not something I do often.
"Dear God, you know the situation that Kristle and Nathan are in with their home. They are sweet people that love and serve You. You know the plans You have in store for them, and I know it is not for them to be homeless. Use this situation to show them your mercy and grace. Show them which house they are supposed to have as their home." Then I started to recite Kristle's list: "Lord, they would like a brick house, with at least three bedrooms, four would be better, and a place where she can teach them and stay organized. Their kids need a nice yard to play in. They need some place that has hardwood floors and has never had animals living inside. They need to be close to their family and church."
THEN, right in the middle of my list of wants a distinct thought, not my own thought at all, popped into my head: "And a red front door". I stopped praying and literally laughed out loud. Still laughing, I threw my hands up in the air, continued my prayer and said, "Okay...and a red front door!" When I finished praying, I couldn't shake the giggles about the front door. This very specific detail came out of nowhere! I sent Kristle a video message saying, "I'm praying for you, and there's one very specific thing I am praying for, but I'm not going to tell you what it is. I think this is how you're going to know that the house you find is meant to be yours." She seemed a little scared, but I knew she trusted me.
I prayed this prayer several days in a row, always ending my list on "And a red front door". I still couldn't pray it without laughing to myself, almost as if God and I had a little inside joke about it. I even told my husband and my sister about it, just because I couldn't keep it to myself anymore.
The next time I spoke with Kristle she said they had looked at three houses, all in different areas of the county. She said there was one house that was for sale by owner that they really liked and they had put in an offer on it. I asked her where it was and she gave me the address on Old Greensboro Road in Thomasville. I said, "That's the road our land is on! It sounds like it is really close to us. How weird."
We were in the middle of building our new home, and I had to go to the build site almost daily to check on progress and and meet sub-contractors, so I decided to find this house that the Brumleys were hoping to buy. Not only was the house on the same road as our land, it was the neighboring house to us...right smack dab next door! We had seen the owner put up a for sale sign months before, but they almost immediately took it down again, so we didn't even know it was for sale.
Now, for the moment of truth...I pulled into the driveway to test my door theory. The front door has a metal and glass storm door, and the glare of the sun off the glass really blocked the view of the actual door, so I had to get out of the car to see. I felt a little creepy going up the front walk of this empty house just to check out the door, but I was determined to see.
When I got close enough, my heart almost jumped out of my chest...THE FRONT DOOR IS RED! I laughed, almost cried, and immediately sent Kristle a video message. I showed her that I was standing in the driveway of the house and said, "This is the house you're supposed to buy. Do you know how I know? Remember I told you that I asked God to give you a sign to know which house to buy, and remember how I told you God gave me a specific detail to look for? God told me to ask for a red front door, and..." I turned the camera around so she could see the red front door. I said, "The best part is, this house is right next door to our land! Welcome, home...NEIGHBOR!"
My heart was so full, and I called and told my husband, my sister, and I even told the framer working at my house! In the middle of all this weird praying for red front doors God showed me so much. He reminded me to love others and care about their situations as if they were my own. He taught me that specific prayers are worth praying. And He showed me His playful side, and I honestly had never felt so close to Him!
Days later Kristle told me that their offer was accepted and they soon got to move into their new home. Looking back at the wish list, all the details except one was fulfilled perfectly. When they gave me the grand tour of their home I noticed the brick exterior, hardwood floors, enough bedrooms for everyone, and a huge basement space they use for learning. Without complaining about it, Kristle and Nathan indicated that they would have liked to have a bit more land since this property only included about an acre.
Throughout this prayer adventure with my friends, I wondered why God placed them so heavily on my heart. Why did God get me involved? Why did God give me the clue as to which house they should buy when He he said "Ask for a red front door"? Why? It has taken me a little while, but I have had an epiphany! God involved me because I could help Him fulfill their wish list. I am part owner of the very land that borders their new house. God has blessed us with 45 acres of land, and we have made plans to sell the Brumleys an acre or so (depending on what our bank will allow).
So here we are now, months later. Everyone is settled into their new homes, and I have the best neighbors I could ask for! I told Kristle that I wanted to take her family's picture in front of the red front door and share their amazing testimony of trusting God and the power of praying for our friends! So, the next time you say, "I'll pray for you" I hope you follow through, because the blessings that flow from it are immeasurable, and just maybe God will take you on the adventure with Him!
Do you have a story of God's awesomeness you want to share but aren't sure how? Send me a message through the "Contact Us" tab, and fill me in! I would love to highlight your testimony through word and pictures!
Much love!
I have read your testament a few times, and each time it makes me smile and tear a little. I can see you praying and walking up to the house to look at the door. I know that I (we) am so blessed to say that you are family and you un wavering trust in God is awesome. You amaze me everyday and I love you bunches. Aunt Cathy